One Thing Worth More than a Soul

As long as I have been a believer I have heard that the soul of just one man is of inestimable worth. And I believe it. It was for the soul of man (and I am convinced even just one man) that God gave His only begotten Son. It was for the soul of man that Christ gave His own life on Calvary, holding His peace at the mocking and restraining the angels for defending Him at the violence of His death.

It is the value of the soul of man that has led Christians to sacrifice comfort and family to preach the gospel in far off lands. The value of a soul has led millionaires to give away fortunes and the impoverished to sacrifice food on their family's table so a missionary may be sent. Preachers have pled for souls to be saved, knowing the value of that one soul. Some with right intentions have employed phrases such as "The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing" and "Win the Lost at Any Cost" to stir Christians to make the winning of lost souls the main thing in their lives. This perceived value of souls has also (I believe) misled some Christians to employ pragmatic means to "reach" lost souls at the expense of separation, doctrine and Christian methodology. I mean to point out today that there is one thing that is more valuable than even the soul of man; truth.

By the word truth I mean something deeper than simple verifiable facts. I might go so far as to question whether those are real truths at all. Verifiable facts are merely that; fact. Truth carries with it something more substantial, something moral. Truth is and originates with God.

That truth is more valuable than a soul seems apparent to me in that, when Adam and Eve fell, God did not overlook it. God gave Adam and Eve and indeed, the soul of every man the opportunity to choose his own soul or truth. That a soul ever ends in hell is evidence that God places more value in truth that in a soul. If He had chosen, God could have set truth aside and let all souls enter heaven. God chose truth over the soul.

  • God chose truth over the souls of the pre-Flood generation committing thousands and possibly millions of souls to perish rather than allow them to continue living in rebellion to his truth
  • God chose truth over the souls of those in Sodom and Gomorrah, raining fire and brimstone upon them and dooming them to eternal hell
  • God chose truth over the souls of Pharaoh and his armies drowning them in the Red Sea and condemning their souls to eternal torment
  • God chose truth over the souls of individuals in Israel, slaying them for their sin with Aaron's golden calf and condemning an entire generation to die in the wilderness.

I do not mean that God did not care. I am convinced that God grieves over the souls over every sinner who chooses his sin over God's truth. However God places such value on truth that, regardless of the cost, He always chooses truth over the soul.

Modern Christianity would do well to take a clue from God. The current pragmatic kind of Christianity that allows practically anything to go so long as we are seeing assemblies gathered together and souls supposedly being converted is contrary to the very nature of God.

The soul of man is of inestimable worth. Truth is of far more value than that.

Marvin McKenzie
In the fields

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