No Proof God Exists, Really?

It is a significant fact that the Bible begins with a pronouncement, In the beginning, God.
God did not explain Himself or prove Himself, He declared Himself. He is a fact. 
It is innate in mankind to believe in God. Various cultures have developed differing concepts about God, but the belief in God is universal, ubiquitous. 
True, there are, and likely always have been atheists or at least agnostics, but when one begins to look into the mindset of these, we learn that they too have a god. They are no different than anyone else, they merely attempt to define their gods in such a way that they appear to be no gods.

I cannot prove the existence of God. I do not believe I have to because I am convinced that everyone, absolutely everyone, even those who most loudly protest, believe in God.
The question that I think matters most is, which god? Of the multitude of religious systems and “non systems,” which is the true representation of God? I present a case for the God of the Bible.

There is the Bible itself
Though some argue that we can’t use the Bible to prove the Bible because it is one book proving itself, that is far from accurate. The Bible is, in fact, a series of books, independent of each other yet miraculously bound to one another. 
The Bible is composed of not one but sixty-six individual works. There are more than forty different writers working over a period of four thousand years. Each book expresses, to a high degree, the personalities, backgrounds and educational make-up of each writer. Yet they are remarkably unified. They serve as multiple witnesses testifying to the veracity and divine nature of the whole.
There is the character of the Bible
Nothing in the Bible has ever been proven to be false. It is not a book of science, but its science is accurate. It is not a book of history but its history is accurate. More than one quarter of the Bible was written prophetically, in other words, it predicts the future. More than three quarters of those prophecies have been fulfilled with absolute accuracy. There is no reason to believe that those prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled with not be fulfilled accurately in God’s time.
Most importantly is the resurrection of Jesus Christ
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is irrefutable. There is simply too much evidence that Christ lived, died and rose again to deny these events with any sort of credibility.
There is more contemporary evidence of the gospel of Jesus Christ than there is that Alexander the Great ever lived, yet no one questions the historical veracity of Alexander the Great. Why is that? I suggest that it is because there is no great consequence to believing in Alexander the Great. Whether he did or did not live makes no difference now or in the future. Not so with Jesus Christ.
If Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again as the Word of God says he did, then He is God. Jesus made astounding and substantive claims concerning Himself and eternity.
• He said that there is a literal hell and people go there
• He said that God the Father is real and that no man comes to God except by Him
• He said that God’s expectation is perfection
• He also said that whosoever believes in Him could have everlasting life.
Every man and woman has a right to believe according to the dictates of their own conscience. I only plead that, before anyone settles what they believe, they do so with eyes wide open. 
Jesus said that to deny Him was to be condemned to eternal torments, “...where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched.” Jesus said that there is no other access to heaven except through faith in Him. I beg that you make a full and unbiased study of these claims (being led by one competent to help you) before you decide not to believe.

Marvin McKenzie
In the fields

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