Hate Crimes

There has been much to do of late concerning the Fundamentalists' hatred of homosexuals. I want to go on record that I do not hate them.
  • I do not wish anyone to be executed
  • I do not wish anyone to be placed in prison
  • I do not wish anyone to be persecuted
I will go on record as being appalled by the outlandish sentiments of those preachers recently cited as urging the above upon people in the homosexual community (I did note that among those cited were people of other than Independent Fundamental Baptists, though one of them was.)

I am certain there is much better preaching than the kind of preaching that incites people to hysteria over their pet peeves. It's pretty easy to get people stirred up over things that appeal to their sense of culture. Too much preaching serves no real purpose but to please the listener. To what value is it to preach to a room full of non homosexuals that you think that all homosexuals should be executed? Those in the room have no authority to practice your message and presumably have no need of repenting of the sin being preached against.

But it is not hateful to preach what the Bible says and the Bible does say that homosexuality is sin. The lifestyle is contrary to nature and to the purpose for which God has created us.
  • To urge a congregation to practice the Word of God
  • To encourage people to obey all of the Word of God
  • To enlist a congregation to pray for those who are involved in a non biblical lifestyle
That is not hatred.

Those who have wrongly applied the Christian message have incited a different kind of hatred than against homosexuals; they have stirred up the hatred of those non Fundamentalist Christians against not just Fundamentalists but everyone they choose to label as Fundamentalists. Several articles and blog pieces have suggested that Fundamentalism will soon be illegal because of the kinds of sermons they have cited in the last few days. Here is the thing; Bible believing Christianity has been illegal for the better part of Christian history. To be sure, there has been a long history now of a particular form of Christianity that has wielded popularity and politic power, but a good part of those who have claimed to be Christians have always been
  • Hated,
  • Imprisoned
  • Persecuted and even
  • Executed
by both the non Christian and the established kind of Christian world. Such attacks upon Fundamentalism will not stop it or change it; it will just refine and define who in it really is Fundamental.

Marvin McKenzie
In the fields

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