I recently read a piece written by a missionary. He gave eight reasons why he believed the current system of missionary support is broken and needs serious repair. As far as I can tell, current missionary support is the best it has been in history. The stories of what the Anabaptists did to reach other fields is another short of heroic. Hudson Taylor’s stories of support on his field are stuff faith is built upon. Modern missions agencies sometimes blame the poor support, or lack thereof, for David Brainard’s early death. I am not sure there would ever be a means of missions support that would be perfect and would not require faith. I do not know his personal situation and am I sure that, given the fallen nature of humanity, there have been missionaries unnecessarily hurt through carelessness, or worse.
I do not believe it is my place to give this missionary’s name or to repeat his points in full.[1] My eight responses are meant to serve as solutions to his objections. They lose some weight without the context but here they are.
"This is in no way meant to be a slam. Honestly. As a pastor, I have a few struggles too. But here are some solutions I have thought about.
1. Praise
There are people who literally work to retire to do what you do and travel the country. It can be brutal. But look for the praises.
2. Trust
Trust God and resist the temptation to compete.
3. Transparency
Be yourself. You don’t need the support as much as you need integrity.
4. Honesty
Don’t pad your letters. Tell the truth. If you have a real relationship with the churches, they will enjoy that.
5. Perspective.
You don’t create your revenue. God provides for you.
6. Reproduction
You should honestly be asking God to send you only to those churches whose ministries reflect yours enough you can represent them. The church down the road is there for a reason.
7. Christ
He is with you. Many if not most pastors also never get pastored. They learn to lean on Christ.
8. Retreat
I promise you I am exhausted too. But I have a day of rest promised me."
I should say that this missionary responded to my points in a gracious manner.
Marvin McKenzie
In the fields.
[1] Here is the gist of his eight arguments. 1. Years spent travelling cross country at great risk to personal safety 2. Professionalism 3. Politicking 4. Reporting 5. Lifestyle of Hiding 6. Camps 7. Being unknown 8. We’re exhausted