He’s A Vet

He sits up tall in an executive chair   
In a high-rise building in a big city somewhere   
He leads a multibillion-dollar corporation   
With firm composure and determination   

But then he sees across the way 
A flag waving on the windy bay 
His mind takes him to a swamp, so wet 
That’s right son – he’s a vet 

He wears his hair a little long 
And he insists that it’s not wrong 
He rides a Harley to places now 
Just to feel the breeze on his brow 
He has tattooed a girl he met 
Yes, that’s right, he’s a vet 

The farmer’s combine his is place 
He plants wheat seed in the earth’s face 
By faith he waits until its due 
In fall he’ll harvest all he can get 
You might have guessed that he’s a vet 

In factories, warehouses and assembly plants 
Across this country’s plains and slants 
The men who keep our commerce going 
Are men and women, the nicest yet 
Whose secret pride is - they’re a vet 

He rides fast horses and ropes steer horns 
He takes good care of the kids he’s born 
He works real hard with face a sweat 
He’s my dad, and he’s a vet 

             Marvin McKenzie November 11, 2015

Buy the Boat

Life Is Short - Buy the Boat Recently, while traveling south on I-5, entering the Fife Washington area, I saw the brightly lit advertisement...