A recent article in Huffington Post is entitled, "Many Americans Prefer A ‘Higher Power’ To The God Of The Bible, Study Finds."
It goes on to say that only 10 percent of Americans do not believe in some sort of spiritual force. It’s just that they don’t want to believe He is the God who is described in the Bible.
Many of those who reject the God of the Bible have an incorrect understanding of who God is. Some of them have rejected not the God of the Bible but a misunderstanding of the God of the Bible. Some have not rejected the God of the Bible but their own perceived terms of how a person comes to know that God.
The article claims that this belief in something bigger exists even among atheists agnostics and “nothing in particulars.” (I kid you not. That is the title of this third group. Pew Research has labeled them, “Nones.”) They believe in a higher power but “a new study from the Pew Research Center shows that for a significant number of Americans, “God” is not the God of the Bible.”
Here is the thing. None of them can provide any evidence for what they believe. The God of the Bible, on the other hand, has provided that evidence in the Bible and proven it to be true through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is so much intrinsic and extrinsic evidence that the record of the Bible is true that it requires far more faith to discount it than to believe it. The key to all of this is that faith is something passed to us. We don’t just have it.
The faith of the born again Christian was given to Him by God
The faith of the atheist, agnostic and “nothing in particular” - he got his faith from - “nothing in particular.”