Would The Bible in Any Language Smell as Sweet?

Among the debates that arise over the issue of the preservation of the Bible, especially concerning whether that preservation is to be found within the pages of the King James Version, has to do with other languages. The argument would sound something like this, "Doesn't the person whose first language is Portuguese[1] have the right to have the Bible in his native language?"
The argument is not about rights, it is about:
  • Purity
  • Accuracy and
  • Authority
I do not deny any man of any nation the right to have a Bible in his own tongue. I would simply suggest that no Bible, outside of the King James Bible, can demonstrate the same strengths in the areas of purity, accuracy and authority. 
In which other language has the Bible gone through such a process of refinement as has the King James? Remember that, previous to the King James Version, there had been a number of translations of the Bible into the English language. Each of those works was studied and compared and considered, along with translations in other languages in the work of the King James Bible.  Though there are Bibles in other languages, none of them have gone through the series of refinements that the King James did. (That refinement ended with the King James as all English translations following it rely on a different - and I contend, corrupt - manuscript.)
I would challenge the Bible students of the world to find a set of scholars reaching the credentials of those translators of the King James Version, whose working conditions would fairly represent those of the King James Translators. If we believe the Bible at all we must recognize that our world is not improving but becoming worse with each passing year. The influences tending to corrupt modern scholarship are such that it is difficult to conceive of any group of men with sufficient skills, who are not in some way corrupted by modernism and liberal ideas toward the Bible. Scholarship and humility these days do not go hand in hand. 
Regarding authority of the Scripture; in what other language is there even a claim toward having a perfectly preserved Bible? Every case I am aware of those who use their native Bible realize it to be flawed. Correcting their Bibles as they preach is as common as a modern American preacher using a "Good News for Modern Man." He does not pretend to believe his Bible is without error. 
Let's not beat around the bush on this thing. Either our King James Bible is the without error or it is not. If it is without error, if it is the perfectly preserved Scripture as I believe it to be, then any person from any land speaking any language would be spiritually bettered to learn to read and understand the King James Version of the Bible. 

Marvin McKenzie
In the field

[1] Plug in any nationality and language you like

Are Discouragement and Depression Sins?

I do not believe they are for the following reasons:
1. The Bible nowhere calls it a sin
2. Many of the great characters of the Bible experienced both discouragement and depression
3. Neither David, Paul, Jeremiah nor others were rebuked for being discouraged
4. Discouragement and depression could be the weakness in which God is made strong in us
5. Charles Spurgeon, himself a well known sufferer if depression, once said, "Discouragement is the lot of the preacher. God will not share his glory."[1]

Though discouragement might lead a person to behave in a sinful way it is not necessarily so and it is not the discouragement that is the actual cause of the sin. As with any testing, a person has the ability to use that test to draw them closer to God or push them further away from God. Depression may be the tool used if the Lord to greatly use a man.[2]

Marvin McKenzie
In the field

[1] I believe this quote may be found in Spurgeon's "Lectures to My Students." I would urge any preacher to read his "Lectures" in its entirety.
[2] Many of David's Psalms are written under the cloud of depression. How much poorer would we be without those great passages of pathos and tears!

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Life Is Short - Buy the Boat Recently, while traveling south on I-5, entering the Fife Washington area, I saw the brightly lit advertisement...